Naugatuck River-Related
Organizations & Resources
The following is a list of organizations whose work relates to the Naugatuck River.
Did we miss someone? If you know of an organization that is not included in the list below but should be, please e-mail our webmaster.
Housatonic Valley Association (HVA)
HVA works to conserve the natural character and environmental health of the Housatonic Valley by protecting land and water resources throughout the entire 2,000 square-mile watershed. We have a long history of relationship building with more than 70 river related organizations. HVA has worked in communities of the Naugatuck River, the watershed’s largest tributary, for more than a quarter century. To learn more visit
Naugatuck River Revival Group (NRRG)
The Naugatuck River Revival Group is a 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to the eradication of trash and debris in and along the Naugatuck River; to reviving the rivers beauty; to improving conditions for the wildlife that lives in and around the river; and to educating the public about protecting the river and enjoying it safely. The NRRG has created several documentaries about the Naugatuck River’s wildlife, its scenic beauty and impairment. They continue to document the wildlife, its beauty and troubles through video. To learn more, request a viewing or find a local showing/presentation contact Sondra Harman by e-mail (NRRG_SH[at] or visit the Naugatuck River Revival Group’s page on Facebook. Titles of wildlife movies: The Hidden World (2011), Welcome To The Naugatuck River (2012), Welcome To The New Age with the NAUGATUCK RIVER Revival Group (2013).
Naugatuck River Watershed Association (NRWA)
The Naugatuck River Watershed Association is a citizen’s, non-profit ecological organization dedicated to the restoration, conservation and development of the Naugatuck River Watershed as a multi-use resource. For nearly two decades, NRWC has been working to enhance the river’s scenic beauty, recreational uses and economic value. To learn more visit
Rivers Alliance of Connecticut
Rivers Alliance of Connecticut is the only statewide nonprofit dedicated to protecting and enhancing Connecticut’s rivers, streams, and watersheds. A membership-based nonprofit corporation founded in 1992, the Alliance promotes and supports environmentally sound state policies, assists the state’s many watershed and river groups, and educates the public about the importance of water conservation and aquatic habitats. The Alliance includes over 100 member organizations, including several organizations from within the Naugatuck River Watershed. To learn more visit
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, New England District
The missions of the New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) include flood risk management protection, emergency preparedness and response to natural disasters and national emergencies, environmental remediation and restoration, natural resource management, streambank and shoreline protection, navigation maintenance and improvement, support to military facilities and installations, and engineering and construction support to other government agencies. ACOE manages several dams in the Naugatuck River watershed including the East Branch Dam (Torrington) and the Thomaston Dam. To learn more visit
CT Department of Energy &
Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)
For over two decades the DEEP, in cooperation with federal agencies, municipalities, private industries and local citizen organizations, has been engaged in a comprehensive initiative to restore the water quality and ecological integrity of the Naugatuck River. To learn more about the current status of the river or to report a concern, contact the DEEP by visiting (use the Quick Links to navigate to the pages of interest).
Area Land Trusts
Several land trusts work to preserve and protect open space land throughout the Naugatuck River corridor, including:
- Heritage Land Preservation Trust (Torrington)
- Litchfield Land Trust
- Naugatuck Land Trust
- Norfolk Land Trust
- Seymour Land Conservation Trust: The land trust works to preserve the Naugatuck and Housatonic Valley’s natural heritage through wise and responsible management of local woodlands, open spaces, and water resources.
- Watertown Land Trust: The Watertown Land Trust’s mission is to preserve open space land in Watertown and surrounding towns, to ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of Watertown’s natural landscape.
Naugatuck Valley Audubon Society
The NVAS chapter serves Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Derby, Monroe, Naugatuck, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton and Woodbridge. To learn more visit
Northwest Conservation District
The Northwest Conservation District (NCD) works to conserve local natural resources by delivering a wide variety of technical services (including GIS) and educational programs. NCD focuses on watershed and open space protection, low impact development techniques, sustainable resource and energy use and promote ecosystem planning. The NCD serves several Naugatuck Valley towns including Harwinton, Litchfield, Thomaston, Torrington and Watertown. To learn more visit
Southwest Conservation District
The mission of the Southwest Conservation District (SDC) is to provide technical assistance, information and education in natural resource conservation and management to agricultural cooperators, landowners and the municipalities in Southwest Connecticut. The SCD serves the following Naugatuck Valley towns: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Naugatuck, Seymour and Waterbury. To learn more visit
Trout Unlimited, Naugatuck-Pomperaug Chapter
The Trout Unlimited (TU) mission is to conserve, protect and restore North American trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. The Naugatuck-Pomperaug Chapter has been in existence since 1976 (it was first chartered as the Pomperaug Regional Chapter), since that time the chapter has championed the effort to restore the Naugatuck and Pomperaug river watersheds and their fisheries. To learn more visit
Trout Unlimited, Northwestern CT Chapter
The Trout Unlimited (TU) mission is to conserve, protect and restore North American trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. The NWCTU chapter has been in existence since 1963, serving the Northwest corner of CT. The chapter’s primary area of focus is the upper Housatonic watershed, including a special interest in the Naugatuck River. To learn more visit
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
Connecticut The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. NRCS Connecticut mission is to conserve and sustain Connecticut’s natural resources. NRCS works cooperatively with landowners, conservation districts, federal, state, and local governments, and citizens from urban and rural communities to restore and enhance the landscape. NRCS staff promote land stewardship by providing technical assistance through teams to address surface and groundwater quality; wetlands, riparian areas, and biodiversity; aquatic and terrestrial habitat; and impacts of land use changes. To learn more visit
Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center
The Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center’s mission is to foster an ethic of environmental stewardship that will connect our communities to the natural world of the Lower Naugatuck River Valley, and balance the demand for recreation with the need for conservation. The 150-acre center includes forest, fields, wetlands, ponds and streams, several trails and a visitor center. To learn more about the Center and the programs that it offers visit
Kellogg Environmental Center & Osborne Homestead Museum
The Kellogg Environmental Center and the Osborne Homestead Museum, outreach facilities of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, provide professional development, leadership training and environmental programs that focus on our natural, cultural, and historical resources. The Kellogg Environmental Center is a place for teachers, students, families and community leaders to learn about and experience the natural environment. The Osborne Homestead Museum celebrates the life of Frances Osborne Kellogg, an accomplished businesswoman and conservationist who was dedicated to preserving land for future generations. To learn more visit Kellogg Environmental Center and the Osborne Homestead Museum website.
White Memorial Conservation Center
The White Memorial Conservation Center, an Environmental Education Center and Nature Museum, is located in the heart of the 4000-acre White Memorial Foundation in Litchfield, Connecticut. The Conservation Center operates a Nature Museum with exhibits focusing on the interpretation of local natural history, conservation, and ecology, as well as a Museum Nature Store. Dormitory and Classroom Facilities on the property extend the opportunities for visitors to interact with the natural world. To learn more visit the White Memorial Conservation Center website or contact the Center by phone at (860) 567-0857.
Committee For A Cultural/Environmental Center-Gunntown Road
This organization fought for and helped win the first town-owned passive open space in Naugatuck – The Gunntown Passive Park And Nature Preserve. They sponsor many cultural/environmental activities such as writing workshops, Tai Chi, a nocturnal ecology walk and a historical play. In 2013, the Park was awarded a Connecticut Freedom Trail designation. For more information contact Chairman Mike Turman or Community Outreach Director Len Yannielli.
Connecticut State Library
Although not located in the Valley, the Connecticut State Library is still a great resource for people interested in conducting detailed research on the Valley’s. Historians at the library are friendly and extremely knowledgeable and passionate about Connecticut history. The library maintains several digital collections and research databases online . Complete collections containing additional information including archived aerial photographs and topographical maps of the Naugatuck River valley can also be reviewed in-person at the library. The Connecticut State Library, History and Genealogy Unit is located at 231 Capitol Avenue in Hartford, CT. For directions or hours please contact the Library at (860) 757-6580 or visit their website.
Derby Historical Society
The Derby Historical Society was founded in 1946 to serve the Naugatuck Valley towns of Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, & Shelton. The society holds a variety of events throughout the year including historical walking tours throughout the lower Valley and hosting a Legends by Lantern event on the Derby Greenway. To learn more visit
Litchfield Historical Society
The Litchfield Historical Society, founded in 1856, is dedicated to collecting, preserving and interpreting the history of Litchfield County, Connecticut through its museum, research library and historic house. To learn more visit
Mattatuck Museum Arts & History Center
The Mattatuck Museum was established as the Mattatuck Historical Society in 1877 to preserve the history of that part of Connecticut “anciently known as Mattatuck” – roughly the ten town region surrounding present-day Waterbury. In the 1960s the Historical Society expanded its mission to “collect and exhibit the works of Connecticut artists.” The Mattatuck Museum Arts & History Center is known for engaging its community in an understanding of the past and providing vision and leadership for the future through its exhibits and collections of national significance that interpret the history of the region and the art of Connecticut. To learn more visit
Naugatuck Historical Society
Founded in 1959, The Naugatuck Historical Society is a membership supported nonprofit organization bringing together people who are interested in history, and especially in the history of Naugatuck, Connecticut, and environs. To learn more visit
Naugatuck River National Heritage Area Committee (Healthy Valley Committee)
The Committee, which initially began as the Healthy Valley Committee of the Valley Health and Human Services Council, is working to have Congress designate the Naugatuck River Valley as a region whose natural, cultural, and historic resources create a nationally distinctive landscape. To learn more about the Healthy Valley Committee and the Heritage Area designation effort, click here. To learn more about the Valley Health and Human Services Council visit
Railroad Museum of New England (RMNE)
The Railroad Museum of New England, Inc. (RMNE) is a not-for-profit educational and historical organization that dates back to January 1968. RMNE strives to tell the story of the region’s rich railroad heritage through educational exhibits and operation of the Naugatuck Railroad. To learn more about the museum and upcoming rides and special events visit
Seymour Historical Society
Founded in 1975, the Historical Society is a dedicated group of citizens determined to “preserve the history of the Town of Seymour; and to record and preserve current happenings of historical significance to the Town of Seymour.” To learn more about the Society visit
Thomaston Historical Society
The Thomaston’s Historical Society’s museum is located on Main Street in Thomaston. The collection on display includes farm tools, clothing, home furnishings, and antique clocks, as well as former belongings of the well-known clockmaker, Seth Thomas. To learn more visit
Torrington Historical Society
Since 1944 the Torrington Historical Society has been collecting and sharing Torrington’s history with a growing audience. The Historical Society operates the Hotchkiss- Fyler House Museum, the Torrington History Museum and the John H. Thompson Memorial Library, which contains the archives of Torrington’s history. The Historical Society also owns and maintains the West Torrington birthplace of abolitionist, John Brown. To learn more visit
Valley Heritage Driving Tour of the Lower Naugatuck Valley
Healthy Valley 2000 published a Valley Heritage Driving Tour of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, including the towns of Derby, Shelton, Ansonia, Seymour, Beacon Falls and Oxford. An online version is available for viewing at
Watertown Historical Society
The Watertown Historical Society was organized in 1945, with the objective of collecting local Watertown history. Through the years members have researched aspects of the area, our schools, industries, and families. Volunteers from various town organizations produced exhibits, and volunteers still maintain the museum. An ever growing collection of treasures is available for free public viewing, depicting the town’s expansion. To learn more visit
Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center
The Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center’s mission is to foster an ethic of environmental stewardship that will connect our communities to the natural world of the Lower Naugatuck River Valley, and balance the demand for recreation with the need for conservation. The 150-acre center includes forest, fields, wetlands, ponds and streams, several trails and a visitor center. To learn more about the Center and the programs that it offers visit
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)
For over two decades the DEEP has been engaged in a comprehensive initiative to restore the water quality and ecological integrity of the Naugatuck River, including stocking salmon and trout at several locations. To learn more about fishing opportunities on the river or to report a concern, contact the DEEP Inland Fisheries Division by visiting their website.
Connecticut Forest and Park Association (CFPA)
CFPA protects forests, parks, walking trails, and open spaces for future generations by connecting people to the land. CFPA directly involves individuals and families, educators, community leaders, and volunteers to enhance and defend Connecticut’s rich natural heritage. CFPA is a private, non-profit organization that relies on members and supporters to carry out its mission. To learn more visit
Connecticut Greenway Council
The Connecticut Greenways Council, which is appointed by the Governor and the leaders of the General Assembly, provides assistance in the technical aspects of planning, designing and implementing greenways, including advice on securing state, federal and nongovernmental grants; and establishing criteria for designation of greenways. Many Council members have had direct experience with trail and greenway development, and they can provide valuable insight into the development of successful local and regional projects. To learn more visit the CT Greenway Council website or contact Laurie Giannotti.
Greenway & Trail Committees
With several greenway projects underway in the valley, several committees have formed to help guide the progress of specific projects. To learn more about a particular greenway project contact:
- Friends of the Waterbury Greenway –- To learn more contact David Bozzuto, Friends of the Waterbury Greenway President
- Steele Brook Greenway Advisory Committee — To learn more contact Chuck Berger, Watertown Town Engineer
- Thomaston Greenway – To learn more visit the Greenway Committee webpage
- Torrington Trails Network – To learn more contact Kim Barbieri
- Waterbury Greenway Advisory Committee – To learn more contact Ronald Napoli, Chairman
Guide to Hikes and Walks in Seymour
The Seymour Land Trust guide to hikes and walks in the town of Seymour is available for free download from the Town of Seymour website.
National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (NPS RTCA)
The Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program is the community assistance arm of the National Park Service. RTCA supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects. RTCA staff provide technical assistance to communities so they can conserve rivers, preserve open space, and develop trails and greenways. To learn more visit or contact John Monroe, Northeast Region Staff
Naugatuck Valley Outdoor Club (NVOC)
The NVOC is an informal club of outdoor enthusiasts in the Naugatuck Valley interested in including hiking, biking, skiing, camping, canoeing, kayaking, and more. The group maintains a listserv for those interested in connecting with others. To learn more about the group or to join the list contact the owner at
Torrington Trails Network
The Torrington Trails Network works to promote current trails, walkways, and bike paths and works to create new bike paths, trails, and walkways in the City of Torrington, Connecticut. To learn more visit